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52nd Women's Jurisdictional Convention
Trainings, Group Institutes, WSJW Mall, Worship Services, Ceremonies (Licensing of Missionaries), Annual Address by our Supervisor, the voice of our Prelate, Messengers of inspiration... attend and assist it in being what is beneficial to all.
Mo. Gwendolyn Lawson Townsend, our Jurisdictional Supervisor of Women and Convention President, and the 75 person staff of WSJW, would love for you to register with the MAGENTA BUTTON link, and attend.
Also, feel free to also register for an overnight room only through this PINK BUTTON link.​
Day Settings and Institutes
9:30am - 1:00pm
Evening Settings/Services
6:30pm - 9:30pm
Seattle Airport and Conference Center
17620 International Blvd
Seattle, Washington 98188
REGISTRATION - Deadline is April 5th
Sleeping Room Reservations Deadline is April 5th
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