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FORWARD2Position - 
Gwendolyn Lawson Townsend

Always Remembering, Yet Walking "FORWARD2Position"

Home: Welcome
Home: Services

My Focus

My diverse experience is from decades of focused women's ministries

to encourage and enhance the walk of what I like to call, His Female Warriors.

This, coupled with 30 years in African American Women, Child, and Family Welfare Services,

has allowed me to remember the female giants whose shoulders I stand on,

while positioning myself to receive that which He has already been provided. 


MY NOTE TO YOU:  remember and then use these memories as you walk FORWARD 2 your position.

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Personal FORWARD Well-Being

Order your downloadable e-Book which will encourage you in your first steps to your kingdom witness 

Spiritual FORWARD Well-Being

Order your downloadable e-Book which will encourage you in your first steps to your assignment growth 

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